Custom Gallery





Deann De La Ronde
(715) 347-8249


I can work up whatever is wanted generally speaking. 
 I can travel for photo sessions, expenses paid, or 
review your own photos.  My commissions run the 
gambit from ferrets on up!


Painted Buffalo Skull


18x24 Oil Painting: Specially created "The buffalo 
are gone, and I too am soon going"  Chief Tin-Tin-
Met-Sa, Umitilla Tribe Speech.


18x24 Pastel Painting:  Grouping of pets arranged 
from three different photos.


24x38 Oil Painting: Barn in Southern Illinois; Featured
 on the cover of 'Vet Journal'.


6x12x8  Sculpture:  This is one example of sculpting 
taken from photos.


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